Arquetipos · Archetypes

This book is an invitation to read the Tarot as poetry –each of the major arcana speaks a dramatic monologue that addresses us. It is an invitation to play –to decipher new archetypal symbols in every reading of each card or their combinations. It is an invitation to reflect –to emerge from the dialogue with […]

‘Transiciones’: Poetry collection in Spanish and English

Here you will find a poetic log book: postcards -from places near and far, explorations -both geographical and introspective, a brief cartography of desire. In constant transition between two shores, I dwell in that third place inhabited by those who do not belong to either, those who do not believe in borders, fumble for words […]

El beso que no di

“Estadísticas” in El beso que no di, Libro colectivo artesanal. Arroyo Leyes, Santa Fe, Argentina: Ediciones Arroyo, 2021.

19 Girasoles

“Trocha angosta”, “Primavera porteña”, “Aleteo”, in Kandel, A. (comp.). 19 Girasoles: pp. 70 -72. La Plata: Vuelta a casa, 2021

Historias a uno y otro lado: Microrrelatos y artes visuales

“Xanadu”, in Historias a uno y otro lado – Microrrelatos y artes visuales. Sandra Bianchi and Ana Calvo Revilla (eds.). Mexico: La Tinta Del Silencio. E-book. May 2021, p.37. Click here  to download this e-book of flash fiction by several authors in dialogue with the paintings donated by film-maker María Luisa Bemberg to the National […]