Academic publications

Books, articles, conference proceedings & more

  • Rock Poetry in the Creative Language Classroom, Buenos Aires: DL Books, 1994
  • Words on Words – Teaching Contemporary INGLATERRA Literature. A selection of works by Benjamin Zephaniah and John Burnside, with suggested activities for teachers (with Beatriz Koessler de Pena Lima). Buenos Aires, The British Council, 2002
  • Words on Words – Contemporary UK Literature and the Screen. A selection of extracts from Mr Wroe’s Virgins by Jane Rogers and poems by Simon Armitage, with suggested activities for teachers. CD-Rom. Buenos Aires, The British Council, 2003
  • Words on Words – Contemporary UK Literature for Children: Tony Mitton. Buenos Aires, The British Council, 2004
  • English Adventure – Working with Values, Harlow, UK: Pearson/ Longman, 2006. ISBN 13: 978-1 -4058-4368-3, ISBN 10: 1-4058-4368-3
  • The Value of Caring, Buenos Aires, Pearson/ Longman, 2008.
  • The Value of Diversity, Buenos Aires, Pearson/ Longman, 2009 (on line).
  • The Value of Commitment, Buenos Aires, Pearson/ Longman, 2010 (on line)
  •  “Rocking the Classroom: Rock Poetry Materials in the EFL class”, in Tomlinson, B. (ed.) Issues in Developing Materials for Language Teaching, Continuum, London and N.Y., 2003
  •  “Hyperfiction: Explorations in Textual Texture”, in Tomlinson, B. (ed.) Issues in Developing Materials for Language Teaching, Continuum, London and N.Y., 2003
  • Firing the ‘Canon’: Unconventional Approaches to Literature in ELT”. In COREIL, C. (ed.) (2007). Imagination, Cognition, Language Acquisition. A Unified Approach to Theory and Practice. Jersey City, N.J., USA: New Jersey City University.
  • “Enjoying Literature with Teens and Young Adults in the English Language Classroom”, in Denham, L. & N. Figueras (eds.) (2009). BritLit: Using Literature in EFL Classrooms, APAC: Barcelona, pp. 27-31. Available online
  •  “Reconstructing the Past to Reflect on The Present: Jane Robson’s Memoir / Reconstruir el pasado para pensar el presente”. In: La influencia británica en el desarrollo de la Argentina (edición bilingüe). Buenos Aires: Cámara de Comercio Argentino-Británica, 2014. pp.200-205. ISBN 978-987-45641-0-8
  •  “Identidades en la zona de contacto: la definición de la identidad argentina en relatos anglófonos femeninos”. In: Raggio, M.M & G. Perera de Saravia (eds.) La construcción de identidades en el mundo anglófono contemporáneo. Mendoza, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo – EDIUNC, 2016, pp. 101 – 119
  • “Dressed in Borrowed Robes: Telling our Stories in a Foreign Language” In Maley, A. (ed.) (2019). Developing expertise through Experience. London: British Council, pp. 49 – 58. ISBN978-0-86355-950-1. Available online
  • “Stories and Poems”. In Maley, A. (ed.) (2019). Developing expertise through Experience. Ideas for Continuing Professional development.  London: British Council, pp.34 – 36. Avaible online
  • General co-ordinator and co-author of the Distance Study Guide on “Problems in the Teaching of a Foreign Language”, Licenciatura en Educación, Universidad Virtual, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, March 2001
  • General co-ordinator and co-author of the Distance Study Guide on “Strategies for the Teaching of a Foreign Language”, Licenciatura en Educación, Universidad Virtual, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, March 2001
  • Literature in ELT: 6 modules for an on-line course, Net-Learning, 2004
  •  “Rock Poetry: the Literature our Students Listen To”, “The Journal of the Imagination in Language Learning”, Jersey City State College, New Jersey, U.S.A., 1994
  • “On Transaction and Transgression: Riding on the Transtextual Highway”. “The Hermetic Garage”, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires, December 1994
  • “Literature Revisited”. “The Inner Eye”, Buenos Aires, 1997
  • “Reading Rock in the EFL Classroom”. “Folio”, MATSDA, U.K., August 1997
  • “Hypertext: Explorations in Textual Texture in the Learner-Centered EFL Classroom”. “The Inner Eye “, Buenos Aires, 1998
  • “Assessing the Literary Competence of Future EFL Teachers: a Portfolio Experience”. IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment SIG Newsletter, U.K., June 2000
  • “Reading and Writing the New Technologies: Obstacles and Challenges for the ELT Classroom”, Resources, Year VIII, May 2002, ELI, Italy
  • “H Y P E R F I C T I O N: weaving textual webs” in the IATEFL Literature and Cultural Studies SIG Newsletter, spring / summer 2002,UK.
  • “Reading Screens in the Classroom” in Literature Matters, Newsletter of the British Council’s Literature Department, Issue 32, winter 2002
  • “Hyper-reading: facing the challenge of electronic literature” in Folio, Folio 7.1 / 7.2, MATSDA, UK, January 2003
  • “Reading screens:  down the paths of electronic literature”, in the Archives of the Oxford Conference on the teaching of Literature, Reading Screens: From text to film, TV and new media, Corpus Christi College Oxford: 6 – 12 April 2003
  • “Hyper-reading, Hyper-writing: explorations in non-linear literacy “ in Humanising Language Teaching, Year 5; Issue 3; May 03
  • “Developing Critical Technological Literacy in the Language Classroom”. Stones Harbour 1. November 2003. Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nro. 3 “Eduardo Lafferriére”, Villa Constitución, Santa Fe
  • “Meeting the Other, Learning about Ourselves”. The APPI Journal, Portugal, May 2004.
  • “Portfolios: formative assessment tools in the language classroom”. Stones Harbour 2. November 2004. Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nro. 3 “Eduardo Lafferriére”, Villa Constitución, Santa Fe.
  • “Reading Across Cultures – Developing Intercultural Awareness Through Unconventional Approaches to Literature”. In English. The British Council Magazine for Teachers of English in Portugal. Spring 2006
  • “The Complex Cultural Identity of Anglo-Argentine writing”. Forum. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias del Colegio Cardenal Newman, 6, No. 8, 2011, pp. 15-35. ISSN 1852-8260.
  •  “Too Much Choice?” In “From the Archives: Resources” – IATEFL Voices Issue 255 – March – April 2017 – p. 13
  • “Reflexiones sobre el enfoque intercultural en la enseñanza de lenguas: Más allá de la teoría”, Revista Lenguas V;vas 12, 15 – 23, November 2016. ISSN 2250-8910
  • “Literature Revisited – The Past, Present and Future of Literature in ELT” – Plenary Conference Panel, Proceedings of the FAAPI 2001 B.A. Conference, FAAPI / APIBA / The British Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2001
  • “Literature at Teacher Training College: in search of the lost teenage reader” –Panel Presentation- FAAPI 2002 Conference – Curriculum Development: Managing the Change- Conference Proceedings, FAAPI / ACPI / The British Council / UNESCO / Facultad de Lenguas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, September 2002
  • “Shakespearean Studies as part of the EFL Teacher Training Curriculum in Argentina”– First International Shakespeare Conference in Argentina, Shakespeare: His work, his time and his influence, Conference proceedings, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires / Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Dr. Joaquín V. González”, Departmento de Inglés, 2002
  • “Meeting the Other, Learning about Ourselves: Cultural Awareness in the Language Classroom”- Closing plenary – Proceedings of the FAAPI 2003 Conference – Humanising our Teaching Practice. FAAPI / ASPI / The British Council, Salta, Argentina, September 2003
  • “La enseñanza de la literatura en la formación de profesores de lengua inglesa: en busca de un nuevo lector”- Primer Encuentro de Formadores/as de Docentes. Gobierno de La Cuidad de Buenos Aires. Dirección General de Educación Superior. October 30 and 31st, November 1st, 2003
  •  “Diverse Readings, Plural responses”- Plenary – Proceedings of the FAAPI 2006 Conference – Multiple Literacies – Beyond the Four Skills. FAAPI / APrIR / The British Council, Rosario, Argentina, September 2006
  • “Outside Looking In: intercultural and intermedial encounters in ELT” –IATEFL Cardiff 2009 Closing Plenary. In: Beaven, B. (ed.). IATEFL 2009 Cardiff Conference Selections. Canterbury: IATEFL, 2010 (pp.16 – 20). ISBN 978-901095-29-6
  • “Page, picture, screen: what young readers do want to read”. Plenary Pro-T (Professional Development Conference for Teachers)- Córdoba, February 17 – 19, 2009. CD-Rom
  • “Critical Technological Literacy in the Language Class”. Closing Plenary, Pro-T (Professional Development Conference for Teachers) – Córdoba, February 18 – 20, 2010. CD-Rom
  • ‘Communicating across cultures: encounters in the “contact zone”’. Plenary session. In: Renart, L. and Banegas, D. L. (eds.) (2013) Roots & routes in language education: bi-multi-plurilingualism, interculturality and identity. Selected papers from the 38th FAAPI Conference. FAAPI / APIBA. Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 2013. ISBN 9789872030704. Available online at:
  • ‘La mirada del otro: la construcción de la identidad Argentina en textos anglófonos escritos por mujeres’. In: III Jornadas Internacionales. Literatura y medios en lenguas extranjeras. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. June 2016: 12-21. ISBN 97898742416.
  • Editor, with Alan Pulverness, of the Proceedings of the Oxford Conference on the Teaching of Literature (2002 and 2003)
  • International Assistant Editor, the Journal of the Imagination in Language Learning, Jersey City University, New Jersey, USA (2000- 2005).
  • Programme manager of the Penguin Active Readers Teacher Support Programme (CD-Roms and on-line materials) (2005 – 2007)
  • Editor of the IATEFL Literature, Media and Cultural Studies Special Interest Group Newsletter. Issue 30. February 2007 (special issue on Cultural Studies in Argentina).
  • Editor of the plurilingual series for intercultural education published by the Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires (2009): Ferradas, C. (ed.) (2009): ‘Diálogo entre culturas’. Páginas para el Alumno. Aportes para la enseñanza. Nivel medio. Series. Anna in Argentina (Italian) by Claudia Fernández Greco, ISBN 978-987-549-416-9, Entre Paris et Buenos Aires (French) by Rosana Pasquale, ISBN 978-987-549-414-5, Meeting Cultures (English) by Florencia Perduca, ISBN 9/8 -98/549-412-1 and Palavra de amigos (Portuguese) by Silvina González, ISBN 978-987-549-418-3. Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Educación del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
  • Both students’ magazines and teacher’s guides downloadable from
  • Member of the editorial board, AJAL (Argentine Journal of Applied Linguistics)
  • Member of the editorial board CLELE journal (Children’s Literature in English Language Education)
  • “Project Work, 2nd Edition, by D. L .Fried-Booth.”. ELT Journal, Vol. 57/4, October 2003, Oxford University Press: 409 – 411
  • IATEFL Conference Selections 2004, Alan Pulverness (ed.).” ELT Journal, Vol. 60/1, January 2006, Oxford University Press: 85-87
  • Global Issues by Ricardo Sampedro and Susan Hillyard, Oxford University Press    Resource Books for Teachers 2004. Series editor: Alan Maley.

Tradittore, traduttore. In the kind of translation that interests me most, you learn a lot about peoples, cultures and histories different from your own, enough to begin to know what you are missing.

James Clifford, Routes.
Travel and translation in the late twentieth century